Increase in energy consumption in schools

Clean energy for educational centers

One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that appear on the agenda that the UN approved in 2015 is to improve access to more sustainable and non-polluting energy.

That objective should contemplate the inclusion of clean energy sources to supply electricity consumption in schools, colleges and educational centers in general.

Energy Consumption in Educational Centers

In a scientific study carried out in South Korea, it was concluded that the energy consumption of primary schools has increased considerably in recent years, “given the increase in the quality of primary education, the rise of technology and the growth in size of the facilities”.


For its part, the Guide to Energy Saving and Efficiency in Teaching Centers, published by the Community of Madrid Energy Foundation ( Fenercom ) and prepared in collaboration with the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving ( IDAE ), concludes that heating, lighting and air conditioning account for around 70% of all the energy consumed in schools.

School budget and energy consumption


In the case of Costa Rica, heating is not an important item, but lighting, computer equipment, kitchens and refrigerators in school canteens, and air conditioning for laboratories can represent a significant expense in the monthly budget of a school or college.

Sustainable solutions for educational centers

Hence, according to the Carbon Trust, proper energy management in a school can help save money and energy and reduce environmental impact.


Within this framework, at AVOLTA Energy we offer a comprehensive service for the design and construction of photovoltaic solar systems tailored to the educational center (public or private), as a measure to promote sustainability in economic, social and environmental terms.


Contact us if you need more information or require a quote for solar panels for your school, college or even university.

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