At Avolta Energy, we are extremely pleased to work with companies like Grupo Inteca, a leader in the mass consumer market in Costa Rica, who seek to responsibly manage their environmental impacts by choosing sustainable alternatives and technologies that guarantee greater profitability for the business.

For Grupo Inteca, Avolta Energy designed and installed 4 photovoltaic solar systems. Three of these systems are located in Homex supermarkets:

  • A 45.1-kilowatt system was installed in San Francisco de Dos Ríos.
  • The system at Plaza Radio covers 32 kilowatts.
  • Panels were installed in Pitahaya with a capacity of 38 kilowatts.

In addition, solar panels were installed at Grupo Inteca’s Distribution Center, which serves all Homex supermarkets in the country. This project was installed last, after the client validated through the use of the other 3 photovoltaic solar systems that the panels indeed generated considerable savings in their monthly billing.

In the Distribution Center, the system installed at the end of 2022 includes 575 solar panels and has a total capacity of 307 kilowatts. Currently, all 4 systems are delivering the expected performance for a short- or medium-term return on investment.

As previously explained, with this client, we implemented a phased implementation of the photovoltaic solar systems, allowing Grupo Inteca to sensitize its staff, understand and familiarize themselves with the operation of solar energy, and take advantage of the economic benefits from day one.

Advantages you could also receive by installing a photovoltaic solar system

Advantages you could also receive by installing a photovoltaic solar system

  • You could cover up to 90% of your energy consumption with solar photovoltaic energy.
  • By generating your own electricity, your company will be protected against new and constant increases in electricity prices. This translates into competitiveness, stability, and the opportunity to better project your operating budget.
  • Considering that solar panels have a lifespan of at least 30 years, but financing for these types of projects has terms of 10 years, the company will have free energy for 20 years or more.
  • It is a clean and environmentally friendly energy, so a photovoltaic solar project can be part of a company’s sustainability strategy, providing a proven benefit to its image and reputation among its customers.

Finally, remember that there are financing opportunities for solar panel projects, using funds from the Development Banking for small and medium-sized enterprises, where the equipment serves as collateral for the 10-year financing with the best available interest rate of 4% in local currency and 3% in dollars. Large companies also have financing or leasing options through Investment Funds such as CAGEO.

Contact us if you want personalized advice, have doubts about the benefits of photovoltaic solar energy, or would like to request a quote for your project. We will be delighted to assist you.

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